Leeds is known for having a happening party scene but right now, the hottest ticket in town is to the University Library. Every study carrel, group table, comfortable corner, and even the uncomfortable scraps of floor house stressed out undergrads trying to cram enough knowledge in before judgement day. Welcome to exam period.
For the first time, my year end exam period is lacking its usual dose of caffeine induced jitters. As a parting gift, the University of Leeds has bestowed upon me a single exam and a solid 17 day free to prepare. Since studying straight for that amount of time would melt my brains beyond recognition, I have made travel plans for this upcoming week. While still in Leeds, I have been trying to keep on top of things, slowly yet surely prepping for my one and only final. However, a light work load and distant deadline make for bad study habits. Anything and everything is a distraction.

Given that potent combination, yesterday I substituted reading the collective works of the Frankfurt School of Theorists for Bollywood movies on Youtube. I only meant to watch a few scenes but somehow ended up watching the entire three hours of family melodrama turned musical saga. Though this movie was so over-the-top that it made "White Chicks" look Oscar worthy, I still found myself oddly moved my its soapy portrayal of family. In the isolation of exams, I realized that I missed being surrounded by people who I had known for longer than a semester, those who loved me before I became all cool and worldly. At the end of the three hour epic I felt the slightest, yet noticeable, pang of homesickness.
At least, I think that's what it was...it could've been the questionable sale meat that I had purchased earlier that day. No. I'm definitely starting to adjust to the idea of returning to the homeland.
Looking forward to having you back home.
ReplyDeleteLove Mama
I'll still love you, even if you're all cool and worldly now.
ReplyDeleteTom amour, K-rah