Unfortunately, my honeymoon period is coming to an end. Tomorrow is the official beginning of second semester and starting at 11am, I will once again have classes to attend. Despite the fact that with school comes work and with work comes hatred for all that is good, I can honestly say that I am really excited to start my courses here at Leeds. I filled my semester with courses that I wasn't able to take back home and the result is a schedule filled with lectures and workshops that I am genuinely excited for, such as:
Internet Communications - Where I not only learn about online media but am also taught to apply my knowledge by making a website.
Social Communication - Learning from Dr. Taylor, a leading author in the field of mass media, about how media impacts society by looking at cultural products of the media such as "celebrity culture".
Drawing - Exactly what it sounds like, but even better because my classes are held at the beautiful City of Leeds Art Gallery.
The Olympic Games - Not only will I be taking this course in parallel to the 2010 Olympics in my home country, but I will be learning about all aspects of the games from its business to culture to history to politics. Not only is the material atypical for a university course but the evaluation is based on student generated podcasts rather than the traditional essays or exams.I guess this is the type of schedule you get when you're interested in everything and but directed at nothing. Personally, I wouldn't have it any other way.
I think I'm falling in love with your life (yeah, I just used the L-word). Hope you had an exciting first day in the classroom/art gallery! I missmissmiss you.
ReplyDelete- Kirah